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A last look at 2019: what does it mean for the additive manufacturing industry?

 Looking Back at 2019 and Forward to 20202020 is just around the corner. While all of us are going to close the doors of this year, we thought it could be interesting to recall...

High-performance materials, their mark in manufacturing

Imagine if the security scanner that detects gas residue in a public environment malfunctioned due to the breakdown or failure of a material used in the manufacturing process of a given part. When we...

3D Printing Composites increasingly raise investors’ eye…

It’s been five years that investments into companies that specialize in 3D printing of composites has been gaining momentum. With almost $250 million raised to date, companies like Markforged, Arevo, Impossible Objects, Fortify and...

Onyx FR, Markforged flame retardant 3D printing material

Manufacturer of metal 3D printers, Markforged has created a flame-retardant plastic reinforceable with continuous carbon fiber. 3D printed plastics usually burn if they catch fire, but Markforged unveils a material that actually stops itself...

Arevo delivers first line of 3D printed frames for “Emery” brand, eBikes from Franco Bicycles

AREVO to produce 3D-Printed Carbon Fiber Unibody Bike Frames for New Line of eBikes from Franco Bicycles AREVO rethinks the way one can manufacture bicycles. Last year, the company created a media hype by unveiling how...

A student created an underwater jetpack using 3D printing

Creations achieved by students are probably one of the most innovative ones in the 3D printing industry. They do not lack imagination when it comes to creation. A product design student in UK is currently...

Windform® would be the appropriate composite materials for harsh applications

Windform® is a material recently unveiled by CRP Technology. According to the company, it would be convenient for Laser Sintering technology due to its mechanical properties. It enables to meet the needs of the...

Desktop Metal vs Markforged : the patent infringement lawsuit (the story continues)

Last week, Desktop Metal filed a lawsuit against Markforged claiming that the carbo fiber 3D printing specialist reproduced DM-patented technologies on the Metal X 3D printer. The lawsuit occurred after Desktop Metal announced it has...