3D printing in education

Emerging technologies are paving the way for the future of education in ways we may have yet to see. 3D printing is opening a whole new chapter for universities and schools as it changes the way students learn and acquire new skills.

3D ADEPT Media becomes a SAM Associated Partner

As a key technology in the Industry 4.0 concept, Additive Manufacturing increasingly positions itself as a pivotal factor of development and innovation across many industrial sectors. Here is the thing, “this development puts a...

TÜV SÜD Launches Virtual Training Courses in Additive Manufacturing

TÜV SÜD, an international service corporation focusing on consulting, testing, certification and training, will now provide virtual training courses in Additive Manufacturing. The company’s work has been recognized in the qualification and certification of materials,...

3D Printing News Round-Up: Additive vs 3DPRINTUK, Redefine Meat, Xact vs GoEngineer, Zortrax vs Skriware, Franklin Bronze Precision Components, AMEXCI vs SLM Solutions

This series of news round-up gathers the latest news on mergers and acquisitions, fundings, distribution partnersips, and acquisition of new equipment in the additive manufacturing industry. Mergers and acquisitions Additive to become a 3DPRINTUK company 3DPRINTUK, a...

AME ACADEMY: First Online Portal to Educate About Additively Manufactured Electronics

3D printed electronics is this niche of the additive manufacturing industry that has not experienced the same growth as others while the industries leading the adoption of additive manufacturing are the same kinds of...

New academic partnership reflects LafargeHolcim’s ongoing vision for construction 3D printing

 LafargeHolcim partners with Southeast University in Nanjing, China, where it is sponsoring research into concrete and mortars for on-site 3D printing. The announcement follows the recent launch of a 3D printing hackathon to reinvent...

A 3D printing hackathon to reinvent the building industry

LafargeHolcim and Witteveen + Bos have launched a 3D printing hackathon to reinvent the building industry. Witteveen+Bos is an engineering and consultancy firm that provides services in the sectors water, infrastructure, the environment and construction....

New MakerBot’s Report highlights trends in 3D printing and Steam Education

Report underscores the use of 3D printing as a learning tool to drive engagement with students and help them develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and design thinking skills MakerBot has released its latest report, “Trends in...

AccuCities becomes Hobs 3D Industry Partner and 3D model supplier

Hobs Academy is a state-of-the-art training programme for individuals from under-represented backgrounds in London boroughs. It was set-up by Hobs 3D with support from the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) and the Mayor of...

#IfThenSheCan, the life-sized 3D printed statue exhibit designed to activate a culture shift among young girls

#IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit is an initiative of Lyda Hill Philanthropies®’ IF/THEN®, an organization that aims to support women in STEM and inspire young girls to pursue STEM careers. The monumental exhibit features life-sized 3D...

HP debuts pilot 3D Printing programme to engage and attract Black students seeking careers in business and technology

Designed to engage and attract Black students seeking careers in business and technology. Three years ago, HP joined the HBCU Business Deans Roundtable as a founding member ((Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), an organization...