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Superstrata unveiled its flagship product, a Custom 3D-Printed Unibody Carbon Fiber E-Bicycle

The Superstrata touts a true unibody construction, 3D-printed in a single pass of continuous carbon fiber thermoplastic composite. Unlike other carbon fiber bikes whose frames are glued and bolted together using dozens of individual...

AREVO announces new partner for the production of 3D Printed carbon fiber unibody frames

AREVO will collaborate with Pilot Distribution Group BV  for the production of 3D Printed carbon fiber unibody frames. AREVO entered this market to enable industries to produce parts of bicycles, aircraft, space vehicles as well...

Markforged unveils Metal and Carbon Fiber Print Farms

Markforged introduces the Print Farm, an economic solution to manufacture metal and carbon fiber printing capacity with its 3D Printing systems. The company’s Metal X systems and X7 printers that are included in the...

CRP Technology launches a carbon-fiber-filled flame-retardant LS material for AM

CRP Technology has added a new material to the Windform® TOP-LINE, its family of composite material for additive manufacturing. Called Windform® FR1 (FR stands for Flame Retardant), the new material’s first feature is that...

3D Print Microstructures using Optical fibers

According to researchers, optical fiber can be used to create microscopic structures with laser-based 3D printing. Some day for sure, one will use this technique with an endoscope to manufacture tiny biocompatible structures directly...

Using composites to replace metal parts in Additive Manufacturing: when and how?

Metal 3D printing has proven so many times its efficiency across applications that it’s almost always mentioned as the route to go in demanding applications. One key limitation experts often deplore is its expensive...

Bioabsorbable breast implants and robotic post-processing: Winners of the Formnext Start-up Challenge

For the eighth time, the international Formnext Start-up Challenge has recognized young companies from the world of additive manufacturing for their innovative business ideas and technical developments. From the on-demand production of AM powders...

Anisoprint and Jacobs University to create an on-campus composite 3D printing ecosystem

Continuous fiber 3D printing company Anisoprint has announced an interesting partnership with Bremen-based Jacobs University. Founded in 2001, Jacobs University is a private, English-language campus university which is part of the global Schaffhausen Institute of...

OPINIONS: What more can we expect from Additive Manufacturing materials?

Wood, pellets, resins, powders, filaments…industries can almost 3D print any form of material and the fascinating processes that enable to transform these materials into finished products are also the ones that make the use...

3D printing News Round-Up: Sauber Technologies, AM Solutions, Anisoprint, Wematter and Nexa3D

 Who has started shipment of its products? Who is working on the development of a new material? And who will distribute what? This edition of “news roundup” covers multiple milestones and 3D printing partnerships...