Research & Development

If you think for a second, the biggest innovations that are shaking the world of today started with R&D. This stage has been fundamental in any industrial revolution, including additive manufacturing. This segment highlights the latest AM developments in the R&D sector.

KCE creates controversy on effectiveness and safety of 3D printing for medical indications

While within the 3D printing industry, 3D printed implants are strongly recommended, the Belgian Federal Knowledge Center for Healthcare (KCE) reported that it is difficult to draw long-term safety of 3D applications for the...

TU Delft Researchers developed a 3D printed meta-implant to ensure the long-term fixation of hip implants

Researchers from TU Delft (The Netherlands) have always been looking for a hybrid meta-biomaterial that can promote bone growth. With the use of a 3D printer and existing biomaterials, they recently developed a meta-implant...

3D metal printing: the potential of the manufacturing process

According to a market research carried out by Reportlinker, 3D metal printing has proven itself on the additive manufacturing process and must still be developed in order to reach its full potential. Indeed, this...

Record Sales Growth for 4WEB Medical, 3D printed implant technology specialist

4WEB Medical, pioneer in 3D printed orthopedic implants, achieved 57% year-over-year growth for the 2017 fiscal year.  In addition, 4WEB's fourth quarter results eclipsed the largest quarter in the company's history for revenue, units...

Research into 3D Micro-Additive Manufacturing leads to creation of manufacturing processes for sensors, antennas and energy harvesting devices

Carnegie Mellon University employs Optomec’s Aerosol Jet Technology to extend 3D micro-additive manufacturing methods for fully printed conformal sensors, low loss passives and antennas for on-chip and off-chip electronics.  Dr. Rahul Panat, who led the laboratory...

3D Printers: Prodways’ successful sales in the dental and aeronautics sectors

Prodways successfully sold its Selective Laser Sintering 3D printer, the ProMaker P4500 HT, in the aeronautics sector and achieved its first sales in the "compact" dental segment. The ProMaker LD Series, based on its patented...

How can 3D printed orphan drugs improve life of patients? – The point of view of Antonio Benedetti, CEO of Cycle Pharmaceuticals

“…any improvement that we can bring on that formulation can improve their quality of life” A rare or orphan disease is any disease that affects a very small percentage of the population. In Europe is...

First results of 3D human sebaceous glands technology for skin care applications

BASF and CTIBiotech developed a research on 3D tissue models for the development and testing of bio-actives for skin care applications which they presented at NYSCC Cosmetic Congress. First of all, it must be said...

New Zealand researchers developed a new heat exchanger using 3D printing

Dr. Tim Huber and Professor Conane Fee aim at revolutionizing every design, from airplanes to refrigerators. They recently developed a metal 3D printing methodology to achieve high-performance heat exchangers. The heat exchangers were built taken...

LLNL developed a technique to improve 3D printing on the nanoscale

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) recently discovered a way to enhance two-photon lithography (TPL), a nanoscale 3D printing method. The research would enable doctors to carry out X-ray CT scans to analyze...