“Teatro dell’Opera di Roma” recreates history with 3D printers’ manufacturer WASP

WASP, the Italian 3D printing specialist collaborates with the famous Teatro dell’Opera di Roma in Italy for one of its set designs: the one of Fra Diavolo (Brother Devil), an opera by Daniel Auber.

The scenes of the love story are played out in front of an assembly of warped buildings.

WASP’s brief

WASP’s mission was to realize two stage-sized facades of historic buildings complete with windows as well as terraces, before October 8th, opening of the production.

In order to ease transportation, storage and assembly, the set should have a modular design, hence the need of 3D printing whose aim is to obtain lightweight objects.

With a maximum build cylinder of 1 meter x 1 meter, a DeltaWASP 3MT will be used to 3D print the facades.

After a CAD model of the backdrops, designers determined how to cut them for 3D printing. To achieve the work, 223 panels of PLA were required for the two sets.

It was a test, an experiment, and a successful achievement that could pave the way for new future collaboration between theater and [the] 3D printing industry,” WASP says.


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