Following commercialisation in the 1990s, today metal 3D printing is recognized as an attractive manufacturing solution for prototyping and beyond. Metal printer manufacturers and materials suppliers will meet the needs of their clients, with the 3D printing metals market to be worth $12B in 2028. Implications and analysis of this market are given by IDTechEx Research,in the report  3D Printing Metals 2018-2028: Technology and Market Analysis.
DMLS remains king (for now)
Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is until today the prevailing printer technology by total installed base at the close of 2016 with an 84% market share; the rest of the market is shared by the other 4 major technology types. Notice is to be made that these statistics do not include nascent metal printing technologies such as liquid metal deposition, metal + polymer filament extrusion and electroplating which were not commercialised in 2016, and yet might have a significant market share on the long run.
Today, DMLS capital represents just under half of the total raised by metal 3D printing enterprises.
Rapid growth is expected to continue
In recent years, printer sales enjoyed exponential growth rates; this is set to continue as new technologies at lower price points will be implemented on the market. “The total installed base for metal printers will continue to see a very strong CAGR [Compound annual growth rate] of 23% between 2018 to 2028. In the long term, material revenues will grow at a significantly faster rate than for printers. This is due to a combination of customers seeking more cost effective printers and materials suppliers catering to an ever-increasing installed printer base, the majority of which will still rely on some form of powdered metal feedstock. These key market growth drivers and restraints are discussed in depth in the report.”
3D Printing Metals 2018-2028: Technology and Market Analysis
3D Printing Metals 2018-2028 shares insights into established metal 3D printer technologies, including direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), electron beam melting (EBM), directed energy deposition (DED) and binder jetting. Key technological capabilities, applicable markets, SWOT analyses and key manufacturers are discussed for each established printer type.
Last, Dr Bryony Core, Technology analyst and primary author proposes a clear analysis and comparison of the technical specifications of new printers to be unveiled in 2017.
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