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Tag: CoreTechnologie

CoreTechnologie and Meteor to make their software environments converge to enable industrial 3D inkjet printing applications

Software provider CoreTechnologie and Meteor Inkjet Ltd., a supplier of electronics, software, tools and services, are joining forces to enable better industrial 3D inkjet...

Users of 4D Additive can now create diverse lattice structures and validate them with simulation tools

Software provider CoreTechnologie has announced another upgrade for its 3D printing software 4D Additive. With the integration of the Nastran interface, users can create...

CoreTechnologie develops a tailored version of its 3D printing software for Photocentric 3D printers

Since it has unveiled its 4D_Additive software, CoreTechnologie has often worked with other software solutions’ providers as technology partners to enhance the utilization of...

La version 1.2 de 4D_Additive améliore les processus d’impression 3D avec un outil d’identification automatisée

Dès l’automne 2020, CoreTechnologie va lancer la version 1.2 de 4D_Additive. Le logiciel lancé en 2018 assure la préparation des modèles et la production...

Substance and CoreTechnologie improve surface design options for 3D Printing

Substance and CoreTechnologie are currently collaborating to improve surface design options for 3D Printing. Developed by Adobe, Substance is a software solution for 3D digital...

CoreTechnologie’s 3D_Evolution software now enables a Simplified Planning Process of CAD Models

CoreTechnologie unveils the latest version of its 3D_Evolution software. With a new DGN interface, it completes the wide range of interfaces and formats for...

Formnext Preview: Verashape, Arburg, AMFG, Wondercutter, CoreTechnologie, Henkel (Part 1)

One day to go, and Formnext, the most expected event of the year in Europe, will open its doors in Frankfurt. Over 600 participants...

How 3D Evolution and 3D Analyzer software have been upgraded

CoreTechnologie announced on Friday the official release of the version 4.2 of 3D Evolution and 3D Analyzer. In terms of Interoperability Software solutions of...