
For those who work with 3D printing, it is no secret that it’s a true nightmare to navigate the different material options available for an application. As you may know, for a single design, there may be several suitable materials with nuanced considerations around performance, cost, manufacturing efficiency, and aesthetics.

To address this issue, customized 3D printing service provider Fictiv has developed an AI assistant powered by ChatGPT that would help mechanical engineers quickly and easily navigate material options for their manufacturing needs.

Named Materials.AI, the platform would leverage OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology through an API integration with Fictiv’s digital manufacturing platform. It is extensively trained on Fictiv’s manufacturing data and offerings. As a result, engineers can consult with Materials.AI directly on the Fictiv platform, receive informed material suggestions, and place their manufacturing orders—-all in one place, on-demand.

Historically, manufacturing consultation has been largely confined to one-on-one conversations with too few experts, making it slow and difficult for engineers to get the information they need when it comes to manufacturing,” said Chris Lippi, Chief Product Officer at Fictiv. “At Fictiv, we leverage technology to democratize access to critical manufacturing knowledge, tools, and services. And so we’re thrilled to leverage groundbreaking advances in AI large language models and our own growing dataset to provide customers with an even better service experience.”

Fictiv is not the first one to use the capabilities of ChatGPT to address a specific challenge in the industry. Authentise released last year 3DGPT, an Artificial Intelligence tool which allows users to ask any questions on AM. If the platform is still at an experimental phase, we urge users to remain cautious about the accuracy of the information it can provide.

For some reason, in this specific case, I would see fewer concerns from the industry as there is an API integration with Fictiv’s digital manufacturing platform and the accuracy of the information provided could always be validated thereafter. As we said in our 2023 review of the year, AI and ChatGPT are making their way in the Additive Manufacturing industry and we should get used to it.

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