“Family of the future”, very soon to be unveiled by Flam3D

“Family of the future” is a project of Flam3D, a non-profit  organisation representing over 70 Companies and Research Institutes in Flanders, Belgium. The aim is “ to promote all aspects of 3D-printing and facilitate and support the creation of new value chains.”

While using 3D printed mannequins, Family of the future will unveil innovative 3D printing technology based on a wide range of materials from ceramics to 3D printed electronics. The project demonstrates “how more than 90 printed components can be deployed in the context of the family of the future.”

SLM 3D printed used to create parts of the project. Photo via Family of the Future.

The platform announces the project will first be revealed at the Prototyping 2017 event (KortrijkXpo in Belgium) in November.

3 demonstration models are expected to be presented.[They] will be constructed of 3D printed parts (printed body, arms, legs, organs, medical applications, gadgets, industrial and electronic applications, and many more).”

In the meanwhile, discover the 3D printed bicycle, a realisation of the organisation:

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