3D Printing for High tech

Have you ever wondered how the high-tech industry can keep up releasing new gadgets and all sorts of electronic devices at such a fast pace? There might be a dozen reasons that explain it but let’s focus on how production of essential components needs to be optimized.

It’s possible to produce fully recyclable printed electronics, with water and sound. Here is a demonstration.

There is hope for a new generation of recyclable electronics to help fight the growing global epidemic of electronic waste. Behind the increasingly use of electronics into daily life, there’s an ever-growing pile of discarded...

SPEE3D launches a Free-To-Play Metal 3D Printing Game

If you are looking for an entertaining and edifying activity for this week-end, you might want to consider SPEE3DCraft, a free-to-download metal 3D printing simulator game. Developed by Cold spray 3D printer manufacturer SPEE3D,  the...

Download the March/April issue of 3D ADEPT Mag NOW!

How do you look at manufacturing? And here we are, super thrilled to release the March/April issue of 3D ADEPT Mag; a volume that refocuses the debate on “manufacturing”, a term which is now almost...

The Warring Heroes of “For Honor” Will Come To Life In The Form Of Custom 3D Printed Figures

For the first time, the warring heroes of the video game "For Honor" will come to life in the form of custom 3D printed figures. “For Honor” is a video game that is part of...

The HYLIXA 3D printed speakers deliver sound “as if the artist was in the room”

All the memories and feelings linked to a specific event or person easily dredge to the surface when one listens to a piece of special music. We do not always realize that the most...

Augmented Reality Glasses developed using 3D printing are coming onto the market

Luxexcel  and WaveOptics have joined forces to create a module integrating three of the vital elements required for developing consumer Augmented Reality smartglasses: a 3D printed prescription lens, a waveguide, and a projector. Each of...

From the most exotic to the most complex 3D Printing Applications, Shapeways can scale on-demand manufacturing

Shapeways reveals an important milestone in its journey with 20 million parts produced using 10 different printing technologies and 90 different materials and finishes. After several years of activity in the 3D printing industry, Shapeways...

ProGlove makes it possible to 3D print the smallest wearable barcode scanners

ProGlove recently appeared on our radar when we saw that it was relying on additive manufacturing technologies to manufacture wearable barcode scanners. Founded seven years ago after winning the Intel "Make it Wearable" Challenge, the...

Project DIAMOnD – supported by Microsoft and Markforged – outlines the crucial role of Blockchain in additive manufacturing

A $10 million grant was initially awarded to help each county’s manufacturing base purchase and implement Industry 4.0 technologies. The initiative is supported by Microsoft and Markforged. DIAMOnD for Digital, Independent, Agile, Manufacturing on Demand is...

VIDEO: BCN3D celebrates 35 years of SUPER Mario with a 3D printed rainbow road

If you are part from the Generation Y (born between 1981 and 1996), then Super Mario Bros. has certainly affected your life in a certain way. The platform video game developed and published by Nintendo...