Zenos, a 3D printed prosthetic arm for high performance sports

Zenos – Images via Chan Lee

Designed for mountain bike riding and cycling, Zenos is an adjustable shock-absorbing elbow created by Brooklyn-based industrial engineer Chan Lee.

The design and the technology used enable amputees that like outdoor activities to benefit from a high-performance prosthesis.

3D Printing has facilitated the customization and manufacturing of prosthetic arms that were considered too expensive for a certain type of patients. Lee breaks these barriers with his open sourced 3D printable prosthetic arm.

Even though we did not receive further information about the AM technology used for the prototype, the prosthetic would be easy to assemble. Furthermore, according to the engineer, there is no complexity encountered when attaching the prosthetic arm onto handlebars. Indeed, the mechanism with hook provides an easy way to grab and release handle bar by changing pivot point of hook.

I believe that a designer should provide a hint of personality or aspect in the objects that were designing”, said Lee who is constantly seeking opportunities to design beautiful products for the future.

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