CAD is an acronym for Computer Aided Design, a software that helps engineers create virtual models of the products they seek to build. Several CAD software options are on the market, each with different features. Mechanical design with CAD uses mechanical CAD (MCAD) software to design mechanical components of machines and engines.

There are several reasons why this software is essential for modern designs, as we shall discuss below. Read on to learn more.

It Promotes Accuracy

In mechanical design, accuracy is a vital component. Small errors may cause the proposed part to not work or create weaknesses over time. CAD software enables designers to create virtual products with pinpoint precision. They can set the exact measurements, shapes and dimensions of finished products.

Engineers can also play around with these sizes to determine the optimal measurements for different parts. Accuracy also helps prevent the need for redesigns at other stages of the design process.

It Increases Design Speed and Efficiency

The use of CAD software makes the design process faster than when done manually. Engineers can create several designs of the same product and pick the best qualities of each option to create a superior product. The software is also efficient in that there is no material waste in creating prototypes. Different teams can also work on the same design with ease.

High-speed design enables companies to release new products a lot faster. On the other hand, an efficient design process cuts down on R&D costs, allowing firms to create more products without stretching thinly.

It Increases Productivity and Creativity

Engineers can build on past designs to produce better products or enhance one or more qualities of existing products. There can be infinite variations of the same product, with each meeting a particular need. This speeds up the design and enhances productivity.

Besides, time saved is equivalent to augmented productivity as more products are designed over a short period. Engineers are also free to experiment with ideas without adding cost to the project. This creativity results in better products.

It Lowers the Cost of Product Development

Manual drafting is a slow process where engineers have to build a new product from scratch when making significant changes. It gets costly in terms of the time and resources put into it. However, the use of CAD makes it a lot cheaper, as you do not need to design a physical prototype until the virtual one is ready. Edits and modifications do not increase the cost of the design, as there are no physical products.

CAD Enables Visualisation

Engineers are able to visualise their designs in three dimensions. Unlike 2D dimensions, 3D visualisation gives a better perception of how different components will work. This makes it easy for them to identify and fix any flaws they find in the design.

Helps Integrate Mechanical Design with New Technologies

Several new technologies that have emerged in the recent past are beneficial to the development of mechanical products. They include virtual reality, 3D printing and artificial intelligence. Virtual reality creates a computer-simulated environment where engineers can visualise how the mechanical part works. On the other hand, 3D printing enables them to print a physical replica of the virtual product for investigation and further refinement.

These software systems can work with CAD software. Therefore, engineers have a plethora of options at their disposal to enhance the quality of their work.

CAD is an Essential Part of Modern Mechanical Design

CAD-based mechanical design is an essential component of modern mechanical design. It offers mechanical engineers several tools to speed up design, eliminate errors and visualise the parts that they are creating. Mechanical engineers can also integrate it with other software to enhance creativity, the quality of work and the speed of development.