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Tag: Mantle

Time-saving in product development: why Mantle’s Hybrid Metal 3D printing is an interesting bet

In an industry where one of the major issues consists in reducing “product-time-to-market” cycles, additive manufacturing is often directly categorised as a technology that...

Gagner du temps dans le développement de produits : pourquoi l’impression 3D métal hybride de Mantle est un pari intéressant

Dans une industrie où l'un des enjeux majeurs consiste à réduire les cycles de "mise sur le marché" des produits, la fabrication additive est...

Meet Mantle and its TrueShape hybrid bound metal printing for tooling

Mantle officially debuts on the additive manufacturing industry with a proprietary 3D printing technology named TrueShape. This entrance on the AM industry follows an...