FaithTech introduces 3D printing as a Missional Tech Trend

image via FaithTech

FaithTech, a non-profit organization that aims to bridge the gap between faith and technology, has been working on several reports that aim to highlight “missional tech trends”. The organization is building communities across the world to help people steward their tech skills for Christ, and expand how the global church talks about technology.

Their latest report sheds light on 3D printing as one of these missional tech trends. The report provides an understanding of the technology for those who do not know it and highlights different cases where it can be applied. It focuses on the problems missions might solve with AM, the infrastructures required, the opportunities and risks it might present for ministries and how it might affect people’s faith.

The report also provides examples of case studies where AM played a key role and insights into how one can get started with it.

A key area of focus is the growing use of 3D printing in the humanitarian sector. The non-profit organization explains that researchers found that 3D printing is being praised for providing low-cost and tailor-made designs; for shortening supply chains with faster response times; for reducing waste and supporting the environment; for increasing the use of local labor; and for cultivating an iterative design process that involves more end-user voices.

“With 3D Printing, ministries have a significant opportunity to meet people’s tangible needs. This local manufacturing technology empowers organizations to create customized objects for food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and more. With good planning, 3D Printing can support local economies in sustainable ways and display the creativity of God’s image-bearers.
3D printers are being used for medical and dental solutions, custom prosthetics, and mechanical parts repairs. 3D printing has relatively few risks, though some hurdles may exist in some places. While 3D printing may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, it will provide value anywhere it’s adopted”, FaithTech states. Read the entire report here.

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