nFRONTIER is a Germany-based innovation studio that aims to help companies accelerate the development of industrial products using emerging technologies. Founded by former leadership team of BigRep, constituted of Pervin Adiyaman, Daniel Buening & Dr Stephan Beyer, thestudio will operate under the model A to L:
ANALYZE for market analysis & projection for new products, positioning, trend scouting; IDEATE for Concept design and development – from white paper to concept design & CREATE for Prototyping and MVP (minimum viable product) – developing a product idea by leveraging the essential eight technologies and in-house expertise; LAUNCH for Manufacturing strategy and market launch – providing real, usable product blueprints for manufacturing.
With a nod to U.S. President John F. Kennedyʼs famous 1960 “New Frontier” speech and the call for technological advancement, the three nFRONTIER founding partners are no strangers to the international high-tech community. For the experts of industrial FDM 3D printing, eight technologies will shape the future: additive manufacturing, virtual reality, robotics, AI, augmented reality, generative design, IOT, and 5G.
“Our mission goes beyond finding the best way forward for our clients. We also consider the dynamic social, ecological and economic changes forcing us to cross borders into uncharted territory“, explains Daniel Buening, CEO nFRONTIER GmbH. “At the core of our services is a smartly designed, proprietary operating model we call A to L, designed to facilitate product development and business models with a lasting impact and added value. From strategy and design to execution and success: This is how companies can rise to meet the challenges of our time.”

As companies face shorter product life cycles and narrower time-to-market windows for successful innovations, they have to react fast to dynamic markets and changing customer expectations. As a result, companies are pushed to constantly change by adapting their business models and products, often putting the core of their company at risk.
Believing in the power of ecosystem cooperation, nFRONTIER enjoys a curated network of partners and experts who connect in a “matchmaking” process with clients to create a synergy of disciplines, creativity, and market insights. This process is carried out by inter-disciplinary nFRONTIER teams, put together to a customer’s specific needs, and may include, but are not limited to, designers and engineers, software specialists as well as finance and business experts.
The three founders of nFRONTIER have demonstrated their capabilities to predict global market trends and create products for industrial customers around the world, while managing BigRep, the Berlin-based manufacturer of large-format 3D-printers. With Dr Beyer as CEO business, Buening (CIO) driving innovation through powerful 3D-printed prototypes and Adiyaman running corporate administration, they built the start-up into a global brand and innovation leader in additive manufacturing.
The creation of nFRONTIER is the latest landmark founding in Berlin’s vibrant start-up and high-tech environment: In the past few years, the German capital has evolved as one of Europe’s most dynamic innovation and high-tech hubs, offering excellent education and science infrastructure, attracting both creative founders and corporate investors.
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