3D Printing for Art

3D printing is one of the few technologies that can reproduce both the complex forms and the hidden parts of a work of art.  How does 3D printing facilitate the understanding of art works?

Guinness World Record of the biggest 3D printed human sculpture

James Bruton is a Youtuber who delights us with "extra" creations. This week, the maker is creating a big hype with his gigantic 3D printed human sculpture. Acknowledged in the Guinness World Record, the...

Philipp Aduatz and Incremental3d 3D print a chair with concrete

Named The Digital Chaiselongue, the 3D printed concrete chair that draws our attention this morning is the result of a collaboration between the product designer Philipp Aduatz and the Austrian start-up incremental3d. The team...

3D Pen & Wood filament enabled to reproduce a tree sculpture

Martin Binder, an artist based in Berlin, has accomplished a 4 meter long portrait using a 3D pen and wood filament. The branch, created by hand, looks identical to a branch taken from a tree....

Festival-goers enjoy the Mexican Festival around a 3D printed head-turning skeleton

The Mexican Festival of Light celebrations in Guadalajara is a four-day event that highlight the culture of Guadalajara. Since the event is also marked by light and artwork, companies as well as individuals take...

A 3D replica reveals the face of Queen Nefertiti, King Tut’s mother

In a historic reconstruction project, Josh Gates, investigator enables us to discover the face of King Tut's mother for the first time. The sculpture provides an accurate depiction of her appearance in life and...

100 3D printed unique lamps in new ‘All of the Lights’ installation

An industrial design studio, Budmen Industries, portrays its ideological struggle in an installation of 100 unique 3D printed pendant lights, called “All of the Lights”. The makers behind this creation think that we are living...

Art industry: When Nick Ervinck invites 3D printing in the creation process

Nick Ervinck is an artist from the region of Lichtervelde in Belgium. Through his studies in architecture and art, he explored the boundaries between various media.  In order to take advantage of the aesthetic...

Shining 3D’ 3D technology enables to capture chinese historical scenes

3D printing technology helps to tell a story or represent a work of art through models, replicas and miniatures. Today, 3D printed miniatures represent some Chinese historical scenes. Shining 3D, a manufacturer known for...

#3dprinting: the highlights of 2017

2017 has been a year full of innovations and surprises in the 3D printing market. The year has been marked by big investments for growing companies, partnerships to further develop all areas where 3D...

Neri Oxman designed VESPERS, a series of 3D printed death masks

Neri Oxman has collaborated with Stratasys to design and 3D printed a series of death masks bshowcased at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia. The museum hosts the 'NGV Triennial 2017' exhibition...