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OECHSLER bets on AM Solutions’ post-processing solution for 3D printed components

OECHSLER has just invested in AM Solutions’ post-processing solution to pursue the volume production of 3D printed components for industries like automotive, household and commercial products and sporting goods. The company supplies 3D printed parts...

From the most exotic to the most complex 3D Printing Applications, Shapeways can scale on-demand manufacturing

Shapeways reveals an important milestone in its journey with 20 million parts produced using 10 different printing technologies and 90 different materials and finishes. After several years of activity in the 3D printing industry, Shapeways...

ProGlove makes it possible to 3D print the smallest wearable barcode scanners

ProGlove recently appeared on our radar when we saw that it was relying on additive manufacturing technologies to manufacture wearable barcode scanners. Founded seven years ago after winning the Intel "Make it Wearable" Challenge, the...

Meet TECLA, an eco-sustainable 3D printed habitat

The final installation of TECLA and its presentation are scheduled for Spring 2021. WASP has completed the printing phase of the TECLA supporting structure, a unique fully 3D printed construction based on natural materials and...

Here it is: the era of Mass Customizable, 100% Circular, 3D-Printed XL Architectural and Interior Products

Although construction 3D printing remains one of the most fascinating fields when it comes to technology applications, it truly lacks from mass customization. There is a bunch of companies out there that has been...

“Uppgradera”, a collection of open-source 3D-printed accessories to “upgrade” IKEA products

The holidays are often meant to fix broken things in the house or to do things that we usually do not have time to do in normal time. For those who have bought their...

BMW 3D Prints its Superbike’s linkage system of the rear shock absorber right at the circuit

Car manufacturer BMW has already 3D printed over 300 000 parts, becoming one of the largest producers of 3D printed automotive components. Not surprisingly, it does not intend to stop now. The BMW S...

14Trees leverages 3D Printing to meet Africa’s demand for low-carbon housing and schools (starting in Malawi)

Affordable and low-carbon housing and schools Construction 3D Printing has often been described as one of manufacturing processes that could meet the demand for affordable housing around the world. Even though, we are still far...

PepsiCo reimagines the 2-liter bottle’s design using 3D printers and VR headsets

The very first design of the two liter Pepsi bottles appeared in 1970 and it was updated in the 1990s. Three decades later, designers of the iconic beverage brand have decided to rethink the...

2021 LUNAR MISSION : Triton Space Technologies 3D prints functional prototypes with METHOD X

Engineering design and manufacturing company Triton Space Technologies, LLC has invested in METHOD X 3D printer to produce 3D printed functional components for the 2021 lunar mission. Lunar missions are landers that carry small payloads...