Desktop Metal (DM) vs Markforged: end of allegations for Markforged

In March, Desktop Metal filed a lawsuit against Markforged claiming that the carbo fiber 3D printing specialist reproduced DM-patented technologies on the Metal X 3D printer.

The lawsuit that hit the AM market

At the time of the lawsuit, we remember this unique statement of Ric Fulop: “Metal 3D printing is an exciting, quickly growing and rapidly evolving industry, and as a pioneer in the space, Desktop Metal welcomes healthy and vibrant competition. When that competition infringes on our technology, however, we have a duty to respond. We believe Markforged products clearly utilise technology patented by Desktop Metal and we will do what is necessary to protect our IP and our company.”

After a two-week trial regarding on U.S. Patent No. 9,815,118, entitled ‘Fabricating Multi-Part Assemblies’, or U.S. Patent No. 9,833,839, entitled ‘Fabricating an Interface Layer for Removable Support’, a federal jury announced on Friday that Markforged did not infringe two patents held by Desktop Metal.

However, claims of five other trade and contract violations would still be pending.

None of the two CEO, Greg Mark (for Markforged) and Ric Fulop (Desktop Metal) has yet to publish any formal announcement on the issue.

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