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3D Printing Day Celebration: What are the Micro-Trends in Major Materials?

More than 30 years on from the invention of the first 3D printer, the 3D printing market has proven to be disruptive for so...

A roundup of the weird and wonderful world of 3D printing in 2019

3D printing has been touted as being a manufacturing cure-all for a whole host of different applications. However, sometimes, operators are going too far in the...

8 disruptive technologies including AM to see at The IDTechEx Show – Airbus, Altran and Microsoft to open the show

The IDTechEx Show! at the Estrel Convention Center in Berlin, Germany on 10 – 11 April is a global event that brings together emerging technologies with...

Dr. Bryony Core’s point of view on metal additive manufacturing market

Dr. Bryony Core, Technology Analyst at IDTechEx: “One to watch out for is the adoption of metal additive manufacturing by medical and dental professionals” IDTechEx...

The regenerative medicine market, a potential to be the largest application for 3D bioprinting

The idea of providing solutions for regenerative by way of fabricating organs for transplant, in product development and/or testing trigger investments in 3D bioprinting...