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Finally, it is Friday. The day we all look forward to every week. Before closing off the computers and smartphones, before unplugging ourselves from the world – let us resume what we saw this...

This partially 3D Printed robot can jog and jump

Its name is Atlas and its creator is the robotics company Boston Dynamics. Atlas is a robot that can jog and jump as shown in the video below. Some of you will find it very...

What can a beer company 3D print?

When you already know the type of product a company sells, it is often hard to figure out the reason why it may need 3D technology... then you discover that, for X problem encountered,...

3D Systems metal AM to build naval warships

Following the Office of Naval that calls for GE’s support to manufacture parts for Ships, Aircraft, and other Critical Military Assets, it is the turn of (HII) Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Newport News Shipbuilding division...

The material graphene reinvented to serve 3D printing and much more

The 2018 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records has recognized the 3D printed graphene aerogel as the “least dense 3D printed structure.” Due to the fact that it is superelastic, conductive and light,...

Igus’ gear configurator improved for the 3D printing service

If you are a designer, therefore, double gears are certainly of paramount importance in your work. When force, torque or speed in gears need to be changed over more than one stage, this task can...

GE receives $9 Million to develop the rapid qualification of 3D Printed Replacement parts

It becomes obvious over time. Professionals of Navy ships, aircraft and the military sector dream of a day where they could get replacement parts on the spot. GE’s mission is to make this dream...

GM and Autodesk will develop lighter alternative propulsion and zero emission vehicles

General Motors’ next ambition is to develop lighter alternative propulsion and zero emission vehicles. To achieve this goal, the cars manufacturer needs to integrate advanced software design technology which it found in Autodesk’s expertise. The...

Interview – Wesly Jacobs, Co-Founder of PrintPlace: “even Desktop 3D Printing can be used for medium series production runs”

“You Personalise, We Realise” – That is the tag line that best describes this start-up company known as “PrintPlace”. PrintPlace is, as aforementioned, a start-up based in Belgium dedicated to additive manufacturing. Their main focus...

The 3D printed custom wheel rims of Big Rep

The Big Rep wheel rim aims at demonstrating the benefit of additive manufacturing for industrial use while reinventing an original design. BigRep Product Designer Marco Mattia Cristofori wanted to bring out a design that will...