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Construction: why this focus on concrete 3D Printing? – TU/e told us.

TU/e has been one of the first players that decided to explore construction 3D printing in the Netherlands. What was the focus of the research at that time? In the very beginning, the focus was...

COUNTRY Focus: Is the Netherlands the hub of Construction 3D Printing?

In our ongoing efforts to provide companies with information that will help them take a leap into a new market, this volume of 3D ADEPT Mag focuses on “The Netherlands”. The present article highlights...

What’s the truth about construction 3D printing?

I am not telling you anything new when I say construction 3D printing is gaining momentum. We have been covering the use of 3D printing in architecture and construction since a few years now,...

Built digitally to “live digitally”: DFAB House required the use of robots and 3D printers in its construction

DFAB House has recently been inaugurated. Based on the NEST building of Empa and Eawag in Dübendorf (Switzerland), the house bas been built using digital manufacturing which includes the use of robots and 3D Printers.

Eindhoven to host first industrial 3D concrete printing facility

The Netherlands aims at becoming one of the leaders in construction 3D Printing. Indeed, in addition of the 5 houses to be 3D Printed in the region, the city already achieves a range of...

Eindhoven will host five 3D printed concrete houses

3D printing concrete is a choice often made by professionals in architecture or in construction. From the USA to Europe, projects are popping up to give people who do not always have means the...

TU Eindhoven and Royal BAM Group realize the 3D printing of a bicycle bridge

Eindhoven University of Technology  (TU Eindhoven - Netherlands), in collaboration with the Royal BAM Group (a Dutch construction company), launched the project to build a 8 metres 3D printed bicycle bridge in Gemert, near Eindhoven. According...

CyBe will 3D print a four-story apartment as part of a project conducted with Lab040

3D concrete printing company CyBe has announced a new project that it will conduct in collaboration with Lab040: the 3D printing of a four-story apartment in Eindhoven. The Dutch city is home to a...

Remember “Project Milestone”? One of the first 3D printed houses is over and first residents received key

Two years ago, Eindhoven University of Technology, Van Wijnen, Saint-Gobain Weber Beamix, Vesteda, the Municipality of Eindhoven and Witteveen+Bos announced Project Milestone, a project that aims at demonstrating the possibility to build via construction...

Vertico, Saxion & Packhunt.io launch FREE cloud-based slicer for XL 3D printing

After struggling to generate suitable code with desktop printer software, Vertico launched a hackathon in January 2019 to create a free open-source slicer for large-scale printing. The Dutch company is the third to open a...