Metal Additive Manufacturing

A wide range of different technologies can be used in the metal Additive Manufacturing field today. This segment looks at these technologies and the way they are leveraged by industries.

Formnext 2023: “The devil is in the details”

I would have loved to start this article like many people on social media, by saying that formnext was wonderful from the beginning to the end of my participation but I can’t. If I...

Metal AM: TRUMPF focuses on industry-specific needs to deliver productivity and automation

Making Additive Manufacturing (AM) a more common process for serial production requires taking into account the specific challenges of vertical industries using the technology. In the medical industry for instance, being able to achieve...

Eckart GmbH on the use of high-strength alloys in Additive Manufacturing

By definition, an alloy is a mixture of two or more metals or of a base metal with non-metallic additions. By integrating various elements into a pure metal’s lattice structure, materials properties can be...

Conflux Technology 3D prints argon heat exchangers for AMCM M4K 3D printers

The Additive Manufacturing (AM) industry is at a crucial junction in history where the technology itself has been used to create parts for a 3D printer. Today, the story highlights metal AM heat transfer...

ValCUN achieves important milestone, unveils its Minerva 3D printer and printhead at Formnext 2023

One always remembers the first time we do something new. For a machine manufacturer, the very first sale is proof that their product has gone beyond the MVP stage to enable potential real-world applications....

TRUMPF to launch an upgraded version of the TruPrint 2000 3D Printer at Formnext 2023

100-year-old machine manufacturer TRUMPF will be showcasing a new 3D Printer at Formnext 2023.  The company uses its 3D printers for its own sustainable production of series AM parts and also provides services to other...

Farsoon discusses customer-centric Metal AM solutions and applications

Farsoon will share real-world customer stories on metal AM solutions at Formnext, Hall 11.1 Booth C11 Based on the adoption curve of its customers that specialize in series production, laser powder bed fusion systems manufacturer...

Key considerations to take into account for the production of 3D Printable stainless steel powders

There are a number of reasons why one can select stainless steel for additive manufacturing (AM) processes, including its superior corrosion, mechanical properties compared with other steel types (meaning that the component will last...

Enhancing the precision of 3D printed parts through automated density determination

Germany-based innovative solutions provider Dimensionics Density which automates technology like 3D printing to enhance quality and production, has elaborated how density determination is important in Additive Manufacturing in its recent press release.  By Density determination,...

With fewer processing steps and a lot of color options, EOS spices up the game with its new aluminum 3D printing material

EOS, the company that has coined the term responsible manufacturing solutions for industrial 3D printing, has recently added a new aluminum alloy to its portfolio of AM materials. Named EOS Aluminum Al5X1, the new material...