Materials for Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing

What additive manufacturing material for which AM technology? There is a host of additive manufacturing materials out there and the process of joining materials to make parts from 3D model data looks like a story that never ends.

PLA filaments, 3D printing, Filkemp, Portuguese, emissions

Filkemp introduces PLA filaments for eco-friendly 3D printing

The Portuguese-based firm Filkemp has marketed a new line of PLA filaments for 3D printing. This launch reflects Filkemp's commitment to sustainability and efforts in all its processes to reduce CO2 emissions. Since 2017,...
Toolcraft, Siemens, Porous Metal Structures, Additive Manufacturing

Toolcraft & Siemens bring porous metal structures to Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing Service Bureau Toolcraft has recently collaborated with Siemens Digital Industries to propel porous metal structures in industrial applications. Long-term partnerships between Toolcraft & Siemens have explored such boundaries in process engineering, aerospace,...
3D Lab, Chinese Patent, Ultrasonic Atomization Technology, ATO, Metal Powders

3D Lab secures Chinese patent for Ultrasonic Atomization Technology

3D Lab, an expert in advanced metal powder has been granted a Chinese patent for its ultrasonic atomization technology used in its ATO atomizers. Simply put, the patent enables the production of metal powders for...
Desktop Health, Desktop Metal, LuxCreo's Printers, Flexcera

Desktop Health qualifies Flexcera family resins for LuxCreo 3D printers

Desktop Health, a subsidiary of Desktop Metal, announced that its Flexcera® family of FDA-cleared nanoceramic polymers, used in dental cosmetic, restorative, and removable applications, are now compatible with LuxCreo's 3D printers.  Known for their orthodontic...
Axtra3D, Figure 4® PRO-BLK 10, Figure 4® MED-WHT 10, Temperature, Lumia X1, Functional Materials

Axtra3D expands its material portfolio with 2 new 3D systems’ functional materials

3D printer manufacturer Axtra3D announced the immediate availability of two new functional materials Figure 4® PRO-BLK 10 and Figure 4® MED-WHT 10 that enable new applications with its Lumia X1 Hi-Speed SLA system. Both...

The potential of metamaterials for (medical) Additive Manufacturing

Remember when we said that the true success of an application usually depends on an underappreciated component: material? Well, the more AM advances, the more we realize that the array of opportunities materials offer...
AddJoining, Ultrasonic Joining, Polymer Composites, Laser Texturing

TU Graz researchers combine 3D Printing and ultrasonic joining techniques to advance vehicle manufacturing

Researchers at TU Graz (Gean Marcatto, Awais Awan, Willian Carvalho & Stefan Herbst) headed by Sergio Amancio have successfully tested two techniques by which strong joints can be achieved without using adhesives or screws.  Those...
bone grafts, biopolymer nanocomposite, skeletal repair, University of Waterloo

Use of a new biopolymer nanocomposite for 3D printing bone grafts

The latest biopolymer nanocomposite material for bone grafts has been developed at the University of Waterloo. The University of Waterloo focused on offering optimal health and well-being via tech advancement, virtual care, and health...
recycling, metal powders, Ni718, Knust-Godwin, Continuum Powders

Continuum Powders to recycle Ni718 oil & gas parts for Knust-Godwin

Knust-Godwin has selected Continuum’s Powder-as-a-Service to recycle Ni718 internal parts from a large oil and gas company. Continuum Powders, based in Los Gatos, California, USA, is a developer of metal powders (and a portfolio...
Infinity Print Bed Conveyor, Noztek, roller, print

Noztek introduces Infinity Print Bed Conveyor for robotic 3D printing

Noztek has rolled out an Infinity Print Bed Conveyor to enhance robotic 3D printing. The Infinity Print Bed Conveyor system would facilitate autonomous printing by producing numerous parts with minimal human intervention 24/7. This Infinity...