The Weerg journey started in 2016 with the vision to bring the mechanical production online as a service, enabling this way CNC machining on-demand. It was an opportune time and business entrepreneur Matteo Rigamonti seized this opportunity. Interestingly, this timing was also the one when many service bureaus were proving themselves in the 3D printing sector. Several AM technologies could already be leveraged for rapid prototyping applications but only one had convinced Rigamonti to take the leap : HP’s Multi Jet Fusion technology. For Rigamonti, it was an opportunity to produce parts in a scalable, economic and efficient way. Weerg became this way one of the first plants of HP’MJF technology in the world.
In this Opinion of the Week, the founder shares key highlights of this journey and insights into the 3D printing service bureaus market.
How is Weerg doing today ?
Today, Weerg’s business is growing with a 40% YoY in the whole European Market of Rapid Prototyping and small-medium series production. Weerg has the largest plant of HP’s MJF in the EMEA region as online service and keep continuing to add new material, finishing and technologies with a constant investment in Research and Development.

Today, you provide 3D printing services with MJF, SLS, SLA & FDM. Why these technologies ?
In the last couple years, we chose to become the first 3D Printing service online to offer the widest choice of material and technology for rapid prototyping and small-medium series production. Weerg’s unique selling proposition was the ability to deliver the largest all-in-houses choice of technology and material available. The all-in-house production allows Weerg to short the delay time, quality check and to offer the best value for the money. Weerg’s goal is to bring all materials and technologies in house to give to our customers the whole choice for 3D Printing and CNC Machining in really short time.
Weerg is a 3D printing service provider. Yet last year, the company developed two main materials that can be used in metal replacement parts applications. Do you plan to become a materials producer moving forward ?
Our Reasearch and Development team is constantly working to find new and efficient applications of additive manifacturing for customer requests. What drives these requests is often the need for high-performance materials in their AM applications which is legitimate when we know that AM enables the creation of complex geometry and a great value for money on small series production.
Today, we are constantly researching new materials’ suppliers that want to shape the future of additive manifacturing together with us by developing new materials and printing profiles for the projectists’ needs.
What kind of parts do you produce?
We believe in the security of customers’ 3D files and for this reason, our whole supply chain is totally encrypted. We don’t know what our customers are printing, we focus on what we are great to : the rapid production of each part.
Do you target the international market or are you more focused on the Italian market ?
Our clients are based worldwide but our key market is the EMEA region to be able to guarantee the fastest production and delivery.
According to you, how would you qualify the Italian 3D printing market compared to other geographical markets ?
Just like other countries, the Italian market is growing fast : projectists are knowing more the additive production and its benefits. Delay time shorter than a week, customer service conducted in native languages, technical support and cost savings are additional advantages that will enable online services to deliver an extraordinary service.
After several tests of materials and outputs, customers are becoming more confident with online services and increasingly rise the number of parts they need.
If I were an industrial company and wanted to get started with 3D printing for prototyping, what advice would you give me?
Our suggestion is to invest in employees and skill related to 3D files design : this kind of format, as th PDF for the traditional printing, are revolutionating the production’s market reducing barriers to entry and initial investements. Now, if you has 3D designing skills, you can request your parts online and receive it after few days without dealys or worries.
Any last words to add ? (Expectations or plans for the upcoming months ?)
Over the upcoming motnhs, we will invest more in Reasearch and Development. Our goal is to double our actual 3D material selection to provide dedicated materials for each project.
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