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Tag: Sicnova

Meltio, Godiz, Metal 3D Printing, LMD, Sicnova, Wire-laser

Godiz becomes Meltio’s official service bureau for Metal 3D Printing

Meltio, known for its Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) technology has announced that Godiz is its first official service bureau for wire-laser metal 3D printing...

Sicnova, distributeur officiel de Zortrax pour l’Espagne, le Portugal et l’Amérique latine

Sicnova, fabricant et distributeur espagnol de technologies d'impression 3D, a signé un partenariat avec Zortrax pour devenir son distributeur unique en Espagne, au Portugal...

Sicnova is Zortrax exclusive Distributor for Spain, Portugal and Latin America

Sicnova, Spanish manufacturer and distributor of 3D Printing technologies has signed a partnership with Zortrax to become its unique distributor in Spain, Portugal and...