Tag: Mimaki
AM Solutions unveils new post-processing equipment for Mimaki full-colour inkjet 3D printer
AM Solutions, the AM brand of Rösler, has worked with Mimaki on the development of a post-processing solution for its full-colour inkjet 3D printer,...
The Smithsonian Institution Uses Mimaki’s 3D Printer to foster Learning in Exhibits
The Smithsonian Institution leverages Mimaki’s 3DUJ-553 printer to produce models for public programs and research purposes.
With 19 museums and the National Zoo—, the Smithsonian...
Mimaki’s 3D printer is open to Fraunhofer’s Cuttlefish software
Cuttlefish is a universal 3D printer driver developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD. It translates 3D scan data or 3D...
Formnext Preview 2019 – Part 1: Mimaki, Materialise, XJET, Arburg, Roboze & RAYLAYSE
We have announced it in several articles. Formnext is a lot of things and there is a lot to see. We have been able...
Quand Mimaki explique l’impression 3D couleur ; son passage de la 2D à la 3D
Mimaki est une entreprise japonaise qui a construit tout un univers autour de l'impression numérique. Fondée en 1975, l'entreprise fabrique des imprimantes à jet...
Mimaki lance une nouvelle imprimante 3D FDM de bureau, « co-brandée » avec Sindoh
L'imprimante Mimaki 3DFF-222 est la deuxième imprimante 3D de Mimaki après la Mimaki 3DUJ-553 grand format. Co-brandée avec Sindoh, un fabricant sud-coréen d'imprimantes 3D,...