Credit: EPMA

As you may know, for its annual event that takes place in a new European country, the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) gathers a line-up of industry insiders who bring a wealth of knowledge on the Powder Metallurgy manufacturing process, case studies and publications.

With the increasing use of metallic powders to produce robust metal 3D printing applications, Additive Manufacturing has become over the years a key component of EPMA’s events.

As a reminder, the event will take place from September 29th to October 2nd this year at the MalmöMässan in Malmö, Sweden.

To help attendees prepare for their participation in this event, EPMA has recently released the technical program that will be the backbone of that week.

This year we received a total of 254 abstracts. The very high quality of the submitted papers allowed the TPC members to create a high number of sessions (50 sessions on 3 days) and a wide range of topics within powder metallurgy are represented, EPMA said.

The Euro PM2024 plenary session will be held on Monday 30 September morning, with the participation of EPMA’s president Mr. Ralf Carlström, who will present an “Overview of the status and trends in the European PM Industry” and two plenary speakers, Mrs. Annika Roos (Jernkontoret) with a presentation on “Steel and metal powder in the Swedish transition – past, present and future” and Dr Henrik Karlsson (Volvo group) with his presentation “The journey towards sustainability. How can powder technology support the green transformation?”

The plenary session will also welcome the winner of the thesis competition who, in addition to being invited to the Congress, will make a short presentation about his work. The plenary session will also offer the opportunity to recognize the winners of the DSA and Fellowship awards as well as the 2024 Keynote Paper Awards.

This year, the PM Component Awards are back, 13 components were presented in 3 categories.

In addition to the usual Industry corners and campfire meetings held in the exhibition hall, this year in Malmö will also give attendees the opportunity to attend a “PM for beginners” lecture given by Dr. Vlad Kruzhanov, open to all participants on October 1st.

The technical program will be enhanced by 11 Special Interest Seminars and 6 Sectoral meetings. Full details of the program can be found here.

Euro PM2024 – Registration

Registration is now open, and the early rate deadline is 30th August. All information about the congress will be presented in EPMA’s technical guide & Exhibition 2024.

Register here

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