Download the free design file for hands-free 3D printed Door Opener on Materialise website

In the midst of this Coronavirus pandemic, we must all shoulder our responsibilities, at our own level. If several governments have recommended and implemented measures for preventive confinement, it should be noted that there are some sectors of activity where this cannot be an option.

In that regard, we must work together to stop the further spread of germs. To help people at work (or not) minimize the chance of picking up germs during the unavoidable daily task of opening and closing doors, Materialise designed a hands-free 3D-printed door opener.

Among the preventive measures recommended regarding the Coronavirus, we should not greet people with hands, nor touch our eyes, mouth or nose with our hands. However, it is likely to find (coronavirus) germs on everything that we touch on the daily basis.

So, placing an opener on your doorknob is just one creative way that might protect you in your environment, as it will enable you to use your forearm instead of your hands.

“Currently, this model is fit for cylindrical handles between 18 and 22 mm, with additional designs to come soon. Setting it up is simple: all you have to do is fasten two 3D-printed pieces together with four screws over your existing handle”, explained Materialise on its website.

The design file is free for anyone to download on Materialise’s website, making it possible to 3D print locally at factories around the world.

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