Job Opportunity: Sales manager

    • Freelance
    • Anywhere
    • Applications have closed.

    Website Tenco DDM

    High-end industrial AM applications and manufacturing

    Tenco DDM is a innovative company active as a ‘one-stop shop’ for small series production and prototyping of plastic parts.

    To deliver the highest industrial standard to our customers, we are mainly focussing on additive manufacturing but we also use CNC machining, vacuum casting, injection moulding, … but we also design parts and projects in our internal CAD department to offer our customers the full solution.
    Tenco DDM is known for it’s high service level in all above domains.  

    In a design phase, we take care of all the wishes of our customers to obtain the best result in product design.
    For the realisation of prototypes and small series, we master the usage of finishing parts to an industrial level for which industrial coating systems are used combined with technical coatings, mechanical assembly, graphical applications, …

    We help the customer grow with his products so if larger series are required, we upscale the production through injection moulding.

    As a sales manager, you know the market and can help us to grow in the high-end field of the industry.  You have knowledge of the available AM technology, the possibilities and applications and you have a good database of industrial companies that will bring us the required growth.