E2 UAS - Credit: RapidFlight

A confirmed memorandum of understanding (MoU) between RapidFlight, a design, technology, and manufacturing company, and Thunder Tiger Group, a Taiwanese company, will strengthen Taiwan’s defense and commercial UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) capabilities.

RapidFlight is an American company based in Manassas, Virginia that deploys next-generation design, technology, and manufacturing processes to develop unmanned aircraft and aerial systems. AgileAviation is their advanced system that facilitates the development and mass manufacturing of customized, mission-ready, low-cost UASs. 

As a reminder, the company acquired Local Motors’ IP portfolio last year, underscoring this way its commitment to harness the Additive Manufacturing usage. So far, it relies on material extrusion to enhance the product development of its UAS. We anticipate using this technology to accelerate Thunder Tiger Group’s product development.

Founded in 1979, Thunder Tiger is a Taiwanese company that supplies ROVs and UAVs for defense and industrial purposes. The company is involved in the manufacture of remote-controlled cars, helicopters, and boats. It is also a leading manufacturer of dental and medical equipment. 

The memorandum of understanding between RapidFlight and Thunder Tiger Group aims to use Additive Manufacturing to bolster Taiwan’s National Defense applications. The Taiwanese defense base is rapidly expanding to gear up for nearly 3200 drones in the coming five years. 

The Defence Ministry of Taiwan’s proposal encompasses licensing and governmental approvals. Collaborating with RapidFlight leverages their extensive experience in additive manufacturing for aerospace applications.

This collaboration will usher in several benefits

  • Reduced manufacturing costs
  • Considerable reduction in the storage footprint of drones
  • Quick turnaround from concept to flight building
  • Reduced need for inventory stockpiles
  • Lowered life cycle costs
  • Quick reconfiguration of engines for mission-critical applications
  • Modular design that facilitates industry shifting.
  • Reduction in critical lead times
  • On-the-fly adjustments with agile hardware design changes

The partnership would lead to affordable autonomous unmanned aircraft manufacturing solutions that can quickly accomplish operational needs for the Ministry of National Defence of Taiwan.

Author: Nagarjun M. Remember, you can post free-of-charge job opportunities in the AM Industry on 3D ADEPT Media or look for a job via our job board. Make sure to follow us on our social networks and subscribe to our weekly newsletter: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram! If you want to be featured in the next issue of our digital magazine or if you hear a story that needs to be heard, make sure to send it to contact@3dadept.com.