Credit: Lithoz

It’s almost been one year that ceramic 3D printing company Lithoz joined forces with New York-based biomaterials specialist Himed. This partnership enabled Lithoz to explore the potentials of other CaP phases. Things seem to be working well between those two partners as they announce the joint launch of a new Bioceramics Center of Excellence™ (BCoE) at Himed’s New York headquarters.

With the growing demand for bioceramic materials in healthcare and dental care—primarily in the form of implants, the new center will rely on Himed’s three decades of expertise in bioceramics for human bone healing and Lithoz’ ceramic 3D printing capabilities.

The center’s range of services will include design support and optimization, SEM imaging, material analysis and characterization, biomaterial customization, and bioceramic 3D printing using a Lithoz CeraFab S65 Medical printer.

The BCoE will particularly benefit medtech startups and other businesses looking to cost-effectively prototype and optimize designs that use bioceramics. Before investing in a medical 3D printer, companies can effectively lease time on one, along with the support and materials expertise of Himed’s engineers and scientists supporting them from concept through optimization,explains Himed President Craig Rosenblum.

For Dr. Johannes Homa, CEO of Lithoz,this new Bioceramics Center of Excellence will open up a new chapter in 3D-printed medical applications for North America!

With Lithoz as the technology partner enabling Himed’s bioceramic innovation, Homa already envisions new applications that are currently unthinkable.

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