Havenlabs, a non profit organization which aims “to create a better future for those who sacrificed so much for [the] freedom [of Americans and the US]” releases its open source utility band to help amputees.
As it is explained on the platform Thingiverse, “the Utility Band is designed for upper limb amputees and is inspired by the sacrifices of our American veterans. The goal is to have a modular platform (such as the Solid Slider) to work with tools that have been created by others within the open-source community.”
The open-source 3D printed device
For a beginning, the device incorporates two attachments the amputees could use to hold specific tools.
To create the Utillity Band, the makers used a NinjaFlex filament on a LulzBot mini printer.

A Velcro band draws the outlines of the slots on each side of the base enabling by this way the band to be easily fixed and adjusted when necessary. In addition, in order to allow a multiple use, it is possible to superimpose the parts where the tools are placed.
The organization explains that the “Utility Gauntlet is a fully 3D printed prosthetic that will allow [the amputee] to complete everyday tasks such as writing, opening doors, and carrying items.”
After developing 5 prototypes, the US-based organization explained the choice and the use of the latest version in this video.
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