Digital grotesque II is one of the greatest work exhibited at the“Imprimer le monde”show of the Centre Pompidou in Paris (France). Created by Benjamin Dillenburger and Michaël Hansmeyer, architects, the printing in 3D of the cave required more than 2 years of design and assembly for 7 tonnes of sandstone.

The depth of details provided enables art lovers to live a unique experience. After the assembly, the whole structure is about 3,5 metres high for hundred square meters in area.
The 3D printed cave is an excellentillustration of the way information technologies impact human perception so that it creates amazing architectural experiences with a unique spatial expression.

When they are asked about their feat, Benjamin D. and Michaël H. explained: “we sought to develop new design instruments. We viewed the computer not as parametric system of control and execution, but rather as a tool for search and exploration. The computer was a partner in design who proposed an endless number of permutations, many of which were unforeseeable and surprising. Further, the computer was able to evaluate its generated forms in respect to an observer’s spatial experience. It learned to evolve these forms to maximize their richness of detail and the number of different perspectives they offered.”

Emerging like a fantastic landscape which puts together the man and the natural world, Digital Grotesque II is inescapable for art lovers and trend-conscious fans of 3D printing.