CPAC, SCG, Samsung E&A, 3D Printing, MOU, Construction
Image Credit: SCG-CPAC & Samsung E&A

CPAC (Concrete Products and Aggregate Co., Ltd.), a subsidiary of Siam Cement Group (SCG) has recently signed an MOU with Samsung E&A held at SCG Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand to capitalize on Samsung E&A’s construction solutions. 

While Samsung is well known for its telecommunication solutions, Samsung E&A is a total solutions provider for the global energy industry. Both parties believe that this alliance will bring the competitive expertise of Samsung E&A in construction solutions with the advanced tech solutions on cement & concrete products from CPAC.

As part of this MoU, both companies will focus on research and development (R&D) for material science, machinery, and knowledge exchange to advance 3D printing and special cementitious materials usage. The teams will specifically focus on higher efficiency in manufacturing & eliminating any errors to promote the advanced automation process. 

As a reminder, construction 3D printing provides enormous benefits like accelerated building deployment & waste reduction. It also solves the shortage of skilled resources by eliminating the construction period & bringing down the construction prices compared to traditional construction. 

SAMSUNG E&A plans to deploy 350 tons of its registered 3D printing mortar that can design challenging multi-level buildings with commendable strength to accomplish international standards & user demands. Whereas, CPAC will provide expert architectural services, tech & engineering assistance on 3D printing for building architectural design projects in Saudi Arabia.

A new trend is budding with the cooperation between Southeast Asia & the Gulf Region toward the advanced digitization goal. Over the past decade, the modern evolution of semiconductor manufacturing has been massively responsible for propelling Southeast Asia into the global marketplace.

Author: Nagarjun M

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