The DOBOT team aims at giving a new direction to education. During Bett 2018, in London, the team showcased DOBOT Magician; Kodemon, an entry-level educational programmable robot, and a metallic 3D printer DOBOT MOOZ.

DOBOT Magician is a robot arm solution provider for STEAM and Practical Training education.
DOBOT Magician integrates various tools and functions, such as 3D printing, laser engraving, writing & drawing. The robot is a machine learning platform for the study comprehensive subjects. For instance, students can learn programming, data modeling, mechanical engineering, computing and industrial simulating.
As for DOBOT MOOZ, it is a metallic 3D printer for makers who are looking for high stability and safety. The 3D printer can transform to 3 different modes, singular axis, double axis, delta version, in which delta version can support mixing-color 3D printer smooth and fast. It also supports CNC carving and laser engraving.

“DOBOT has the complete product and solution system of STEAM education, practical training education and higher education, which providing a robotic education platform for students between 6-18 years old,” said DOBOT founder & CEO, Jerry Liu. “DOBOT hopes that each kid can enjoy the pleasure taken by robots and artificial intelligence, that’s what we are striving for!“
As far as Kodemon, the educational programmable robot is concerned, it provides functions such as graphical programming, DIY skin, following lines, following lights, autonomously avoiding obstacles and more. Children could easily learn artificial intelligence in advance using Kodmon.
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