PhD student
Last application date
Jun 15, 2019 14:19
TW11 – Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering
Employment category
Doctoral fellow
Bepaalde tijd
Master of Science in (Applied) Engineering Sciences, with a preference for (electro)mechanical engineering or materials engineering
Occupancy rate
Vacancy Type
Research staff
Job description
A doctoral position is available for a period of 42 months in the laboratory of Prof. Ludwig Cardon Our research group focuses on polymer technologies in general and more specific recycling and 3D Printing applications. Therefore we developed substantial expertise in the field of polymer/composite processing, polymer characterization and extrusion based 3D Printing. The candidate will work within H2020 project on CF fibre reinforced 3D Printing for recycled plastics. The candidate will set up design strategies for these materials, investigate and improve the material properties and develop new sustainable products and 3D printing methods/equipment in agreement with the industrial partners. The research will lead to a PhD in Applied Engineering Sciences. The candidate is expected to work closely together with other research in the project and the research group.
Profile of the candidate
The candidate should have knowledge of and/or experience in CF reinforced polymer processing and Additive Manufacturing and related product/material characterization
The candidate should be able to work independently and at the same time be a team player
The candidate should have excellent communication skills and a strong passion for polymer sciences and engineering
How to apply
An application should enclose a C.V. including a list of courses followed and grades obtained, a short motivation statement explaining your interest in this position, and the names of two persons (preferably professors or researchers with whom you have interacted) who are willing to provide a recommendation letter for your application. Applications should be sent to Prof. Ludwig Cardon (