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Solukon, SFM-AT1500-S, Depowdering, LPBF

New dimensions of depowdering: The Solukon SFM-AT1500-S

In recent years, vertical industries such as aerospace, where high efficiency drives the way components are manufactured, have continuously pushed the boundaries of what is...

AMCM GmbH to build Europe’s largest industrial 3D printer for a spaceflight company

Following a series of successful trials printing various large-scale rocket components over a number of months, Orbex, a UK-based company has signed a multi-million...

AMCM GmbH va construire la plus grande imprimante 3D industrielle d’Europe pour une société de vols spatiaux

Après une série d'essais réussis d'impression de divers composants de fusées à grande échelle sur plusieurs mois, Orbex, une société basée au Royaume-Uni, a...