Additive Talks: What is the first step in implementing a digital warehouse and what happens next?

Most of you have probably already heard about the “concept of digital inventory”, a concept that is appealing because organizations which have a physical inventory, do not always know exactly what their true costs are, at the end of the year.

Once combined with Additive Manufacturing, a digital inventory “modus operandi” seems a great alternative, as this combination may help address quantity requirements and understocked parts’ issues.

The virtual conversation discussed a number of questions regarding the various stakeholders that come into play when implementing a digital inventory ecosystem, the main steps to achieve to implement one, the manufacturing constraints with Additive Manufacturing at the heart of the production and even security & IP issues.

Around this table, we find speakers from energy company Equinor, independent expert in risk management and assurance DNV as well as security company WIBU Systems. A panel moderated by 3D ADEPT Media’s Managing Editor Kety SINDZE.

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